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Wednesday, June 3, 2009


By Ben C Vidgen.

Last Month DEADLINE ran an article on the links between bio-warfare and pharmaceutical companies involved in the manufacture of vaccination including Sanofi- Aventis that, in February, established a hundred million dollar influenza plant in Mexico. The day after that story was sent to the printers news broke of an outbreak of a new virulent strain of Swine Influenza that contained, according to media reports, a never before seen – a mix of North American Eurasian swine flu and Avian influenza.

Suggestions have since been made that this swine flu, (whose North American descendants include an outbreak of swine flu in 1998 that may have been brought about by commercial farming. But interest has fallen on large commercial farms in an area where more than 60% of the first stricken Mexicans lived, including the young Mexican boy, dubbed in the press as ‘subject zero’ the first victim. However, despite a history of respiratory and other diseases, breaking out in close proximity to commercial farms, another source may be that the 2009 Swine Flue, - a rapidly evolving cocktail comprised of North American / Eurasian Swine Flu, Avian Influenza and variant of the human Influenza, originate from biotech laboratories. INVESTIGATES

Since December more than 6000 pigs have been struck with the Ebola Reston virus. In the Philippines there were four human cases that the authorities admitted could not be ruled out as having originated through transmissions from pigs to humans, but again, the source of the virus was not certain. Wide spread suggestions that the Ebola may have come from monkeys in the Philippines are confusing the December incident in the US with another, when two Philippine monkeys, imported to the U.S. for lab experiments, escaped from their cages and infected lab workers with the virus after they bit their keepers but commercial farming in the Philippines remains the chief suspect to date.

The source of risk in commercial farming is high. Animals are given repeated vaccines and shots of antibiotics which are meant to rid the animals of disease but instead lead to pathogens becoming antibiotic resistant. In addition, third world, lowly paid employees often use the same needles to issue a host of vaccines on different animals, and used needles are often left on the ground for animals to step on, again risking infection. Alternatively, there is the risk that to save money farmers will use outlawed or contaminated vaccines which (again) could end up being a source of a lethal pathogen.

In 2001 laboratory sourced pathogens caused an outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease in the United Kingdom in 2001. That was sourced back to the Merial Animal Health laboratory owned by Merck (formerly Schering Plough) of the US and Sanofi-Aventis of France. Merial denied any responisbilty although the spores in the infected animals were identical to ones Merial had used to produce vaccines three weeks earlier. Inquiries centred on whether spores could have been carried by water or wind to the farm four miles away. Other possible methods of contamination that were considered included transmission by animals, people or vehicles. Merial own website identifies them to be involved chiefly in the manufacture of vaccines for commercial farms in Mexico, Phillipines, United Kingdom, Korea, Indonesia, Australia and NZ, - where former Schering (Merck) plough employees like John Helstrom, (now managing director of Bio Security NZ Ltd., a subsidary of Bio Security Australia Ltd), and Roger Morris, (whose chair at Massey Univeristy is financed by Schering Plough), act as consultants in the UK to the civil and military authorities that were tasked with overseeing the investigation into the source of the 2001 outbreak.

Investigation for the swine flu has largely been hampered by the lack of a the absence of a genetic footprint trail. This, and the fact that more than two thirds of the flu victims can be located, not in Mexico, but in the USA, has led some researchers to consider that an alternative ground zero could a school in New Jersey, namely St Francis Prep. Students at St Francis in Queens. A group who had travelled to Mexico where amongst the first to come down with Swine Flu which then spread throughout the school.

The assumption lingers that American students first caught the disease in Mexico though the flu’s incubation period (when no flu like symptoms are present but the victims is still highly contagious) is said to be two weeks or more. Mexico’s own media has been reporting that suspected swine flu outbreaks were occurring in California up to a month prior to it emerging in the USA. Though such statements should be viewed in context of national pride, such reporting does however high light the issue of just how much should reports by national media, or official statements, be taken at face value.

Further it remains curious fact that the outbreak occurred with unprecedented good timing in Mexico. To be specific occurring only day before legislation was finally completed and passed (under the pretext of countering the drug wars) that allowed military rule to be put in place. The ruling unfolding at time when the US was threatening Mexico with direct military intervention if Mexico's federal authorities could not contain the lawless drug situation within Mexico.

In 2008 the aforementioned St Francis Preparatory School in Queens was at the centre of an out break of rare strain of meningitis, NMW135, which led to the death of School Councillor Lee Anne Burke, 27, of Bellerose, Queens. This virus also claimed the life Michael Gruber, 17, a senior at another New York School Massapequa High located on the edge of New Jersey. The outbreak of the New York Meningitis would led to public health authorities voting (4:5)for mandatory vaccination programs being enforced in high schools. This is despite the public controversy that arose after it was learnt that a million batches of Merck meningitis vaccine for young school aged children was recalled due to vaccine contamination. (Another company,Sanofi- Aventis then produced the vaccine that was used in the New York program on mid-aged school children).

Contamination also led to a recall after Swine Flu manufacture Baxter International sent out vaccines, this year, that were accidentally contaminated with live Avian Influenza vaccine to over 4000 labs in 18 nation influenza.

Had the vaccine not been designed for humans it is questionable whether or not they would have faced the same level of testing which led to the live avian strain being detected and the vaccines being pulled before it was used on humans.

In 1976 mass vaccination was cancelled after a vaccine used in a suspected swine flu outbreak led to thousands of cases of the debilitating disease, Guillain-Barre syndrome, but not before a future director of the Tamiflu, former Secretary of Defence Donald Runsfield, made a profit of five million, as a share holder in Roche. Roche was never held accountable as the vaccine were manufactured under emergency government approved license (as is the case with the current swine flu vaccines being manufactured)which exempted the pharmaceutical firm from having nay culpability. The event shows how science, taken on blind faith, is not infallible especially when it is mixed with the desire of producing a profit.

St. Francis, is in close proximity (less than 5km) to Newark, New York, lab (University of Medical & Dentistry New Jersey) that was identified in last months DEADLINE as having lost lethal pathogens on two occasions in less than three years. These concerned live and frozen mice that were carrying the plague virus, that simply vanished from high security laboratories. The missing mice coincided with the theft of “Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis” from the US bio security laboratory Fort Detrick in Maryland.

Fort Detrick is currently shut down while under going an audit that relates to missing, stolen or, unauthorised, research dating back to October 2001 when weapons grade anthrax, used in terrorists attacks by a unknown person or persons, was traced via its unique genetic foot print right back to the military laboratory: a feat made public largely due to the intense political pressure and media lobbying generated by the Federation of American Scientist (FAS).

FAS is an independent body of more than 300 academics considered scientific experts in their own field by fellow academics world wide. The Fort Detrick audit will also investigate the theft of over 100 vials of Venezuela Equine virus, a rare disease not seen in the US for more than thirty years until it emerged in Florida, in Venezuelan ponies at a race meeting. To date no gene sequence has been made public that has however precisely identify the origin of the Florida equine outbreak.  The Florida outbreak also coinciding with an out break of W135 meningitis in Florida. W135 meningitis is a direct relative of the New Jersey based Meningitis that struck St Francis in 2008.

Fort Detrick has also been linked to “Operation White Coats” over seen by Dr Robert Shope, (son of bio-warfare expert Richard Shope, the first person to identify the Swine Flu in combination with his partner William Smith, the scientist responsible for isolating a variant of the avian influenza (WS33) that was identified as responsible for the 1918 Influenza). Operation White Coat is believed to have been responsible for the wide spread of Lymes disease and the Lone Star tick in 1976, the same year soldiers came down with swine flu in the USA.

Another Fort Detrick Program was Project 112 which in the 1970’s resulted in more than 6000 soldiers being used as guinea pigs for a host of biological agents. Projects 112’s known advisory personnel include Colonel  Dr Donald Burke. Burke and Shope where both NZ goverment appointed reviewers who lobbied for the release of the Rabbit Calici Virus in NZ in 1997 after it escaped a BSL facility in Wardang Island in South Australia in 1996.*

 In 1976 Robert Shope was based at the New Jersey Plum Island bio warfare centre when the US Army used mosquitoes (that, a declassified document shows, were secretly released in India) and ticks as vectors or disease carriers in classified bio-war fare experiments.

*=A third reviwers appointed by the goverment to examine the risk RCD posed was the Ministry of Health. Records do not identify their spokesman but in 1994 Alexander Kouzmino (The Author of Biological Warfare) joined the Ministy of Health as thei expert in zoontics diseases that transfer from animals to humans. Kouzminov is the author of Biolological Espionage and a former biowarfare expert who worked for the KGB.

 In 2002 the FBI was called to investigate Plum Island after the water pressure used to keep facilities sterile and contaminated free was found to have been sabotaged. The results of this investigation to date have not been made public.

During the seventies the US military tested a wide range of diseases at Plum island including River fever, Q Fever, plus Tularaemia - yet another virus to have recently turned up in New York, after it escaped from a lab in 2004 and infected lab workers at Boston University lab in New York.

Alan Gibbs, an Australian virologist, credited with identifying the avian influenza connection to the 1918 Influenza and who helped design the Tami flu vaccine, is one mainstream scientist willing to say publicly what many scientist having been saying privately: a likely source of the current swine flu out break may be a laboratory. Gibbs became concerned after noting that all the gene sequence that make up the swine flu seemed to mutate faster than would be expected in natural conditions. The deputy director general of The World Health Organisation (WHO) Dr. Keiji Fukuda, when questioned over this respected scientists concern over this anomaly, told reporters, “We took this [rumour] very seriously but the evidence suggests that this is a naturally occurring virus, not a laboratory-derived virus.” Dr. Fukuda then “took the opportunity to support a number of drug companies who have begun working on generic versions of the antiviral drug Tami flu, which he believes could greatly benefit a number of impoverished countries who have no stockpiles of the drug”.

This statement is in contrast to Otago University graduate and World Health Organisation Influenza expert Robert Webster having on several occasion cast doubt on the worth of stock piling vaccines even indicating that mass vaccination had the potential to make virus more virulent if used inappropriately. Gibbs himself has responded in the media to criticism of his theory by establishment orientated scientists, as being what he expected. Stating that regardless he had submitted his paper to an open-access journal so it could receive a proper airing. Gibs stated “Scientists are trained to be iconoclasts, not to believe what they’re told .... they don’t believe this until they’ve really had a good go at it.”

Dr. Fukuda current position however seems odd in light that another World Health organisation virologist, Sue Huang of Agri Search New Zealand (which has a virtual revolving door between its employees, the World Health organisation, and those of neighbouring pharmaceutical sites located near by in Lower Hutt Wellington), has also made comments in the N.Z. media about the unusually fast evolution process.

WHO view of the swine flu (incubated in the political environment of big business pharmaceuticals, multination agribusiness and the military industrial complex - who finance most commercial laboratories) needs, perhaps, to be placed in context of their current position that the 2009 Swine Flu is the worlds first avian- influenza- human combination. A claim which is simply false.

Public record, previously reported in DEADLINE (JUNE 25TH 2005)show how, in 2004WHO was alerted to the existence of swine avian in South Korea by local scientists. Local scientist had been stunned to find WS33,with avian strain in local pigs. WS33 of course is the laboratory adapted version of the 1918 Influenza epidemic, (engineered by William Smith the partner of Richard Shope, father of bio-warfare expert Robert Shope, during World War Two. WHO simply refused to investigate even when further samples emerged in Korea the following year. (See also Deadline, ‘The Swineal Solution’ June 2006)”

In Indonesia senior health authorities have gone so far as to point blank refusing to cooperate with WHO who they claim are simply collecting material - not to benefit the people of Indonesia, but to help pharmaceutical industry create diseases which are then used as excuse to manufacture vaccines for profit.

Yet regardless of the precise origins of the “Mexican Flu”, be it sloppy practices of agri big business, lab errors, or a case of the pursuit of the profits of war, the simple fact is a clear global picture forms when one examines a host of pathogen outbreaks in recent years.

Outbreaks that have been documented not only by independent researchers but by state authorities and respected scientists, who collectively document time and time again (regardless of what the motive might be) the man made factor in many of these outbreaks. The demonstrable demographic of this man made factor, whether deliberate or simply human error, are simply alarming and demonstrate the need for a greater level of debate, surrounding the biotech and vaccine industry, than is currently being held to date.

Future issues of DEADLINE will examine to what degree NZ pest eradication is a cover for possible bio-warfare testing, which simultaneously enhances the profits of bio tech industry and can be linked to the outbreak of a mysterious virus in a number species of wild life in NZ since the mid 1990’s.

Coming Soon! Bio warfare and its connections to rabid rabbits, poisoned penguins and dead seals down under.

The Predator


By Ben. C. Vidgen As reported in March Steve Johnson, Jerome Krasuski, Darren Tolsma and Ernest West, passengers on Flight 3407 to Buffalo were all employees of Amherst Systems involved in the manufacture of unmanned aerial technology and electronic warfare simulators that had been recently moved to the Aberdeen (USA) testing grounds, prior to the system being sold to several European clients including the European Aeronautic Defence and Space company. Amherst Systems having been purchased by Northrop Grumman from its co founder Donald Hess in 1999, Hess also involved with the Hauptman-Woodward Institute project into , on how viruses mutate and transfer between animals and humans which has received more than $US 3 million in federal funding for the research according to the 2008 Department of Defense Appropriations Bill died in a plane crash in November 2008.

Two weeks later as previously reported after DEADLINE published Part 1 of Profits of War, a report surfaced that revealed how three Americans, Ronald A. Richey, John Salman, Ricky E. Wilson had died when a Turkish Airliner (TK1951) crashed in a field next to the Amsterdam airport on the 25th of February 2009, less than two weeks after Flight 3407. A third American, Michael T. Hemmer, was listed as critically injured.

All four Americans were returning from a business trip to Ankara, Turkey, where they had been assisting with modification work on other Boeing 737 jets that will be used as airborne electronic warfare planes by a NATO member, Turkey.

Dutch investigators blamed a faulty altimeter as contributing to the Boeing 737 crash but this was countered by senior Turkish pilots, Necmi Elici and Volkan Surmeli, who pointed out to journalists how TK1951 “-had four altimeters and even if all of them were out of order the plane could still have been landed safely”. Experienced aviators in Turkey accused the Netherland authorities of shifting blame, relating to problems in ground based instrumental landing systems that gave false information that resulted in aircraft instruments giving misleading readings.

A situation very in vein with what has been revealed to date in the Flight 3407 saga, where it has since emerged that Southwest Airline pilots were given similar warning by their union who told pilots to be wary of problems with the Instrument Landing System (ILS) equipment at runway 23 at Buffalo’s main airport, the runway which Flight 3407 was meant to have landed on.

Since publishing this original story the mystery of Flight 3407 mystery deepened once more with Alex Constatine reporting on his blog Black List how two Buffalo attorneys Michael Doran and Matthew Schnire (hired by the families of flight Flight 3407 families) have also died after their own plane like wise malfunctioned and crashed near Cleveland Ohio.

On June 1st DEADLINE decided to examine the passenger list of 330 Air Bus Air France flight 447 after hearing early news reports that stated the aircraft was over due after leaving Rio De Janeiro in Brazil and had vanished some where in the mid Atlanta its last known contact automated signal indicating “a systems power failure”.

To date one of the few names to be released by Frecn authorities is that of Erich Heine a senior executive at the shipping steel and defense manufacture Thyssen Krupp.

Thyssen Krupp interests are vast and extend to Atlas Elektronics who on 19 September signed a contract with European Aeronautical Defence and Space Company to buy out the electronic warfare subsidiary of BAE Systems, and are submitting a joint bid.

According to the agreement, ThyssenKrupp Technologies will keep 60 percent of Atlas and EADS 40 percent. With 1,750 employees, Atlas Elektronik is an established market leader in the development of integrated sonar systems for submarines and a supplier of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems.

EADS Defence & Security Systems, with revenues of about € 31.8 billion in 2004and roughly 110,000 employees (across ten nations) is a giant in defence security aerospace active in the areas of military aircraft, missile systems, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems used on manned and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) battlefield management systems, defence electronics, sensors avionics and offensive electronic warfare technology.

EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2004, EADS generated revenues of €31.8 billion and employed aworkforce of about 110,000.

EADS partner include Northrop Grumman Corporation (125,000 employees and operations in all 50 states and 25 countries) who in 2006 signed a memorandum to establish a manufacturing hub for U.S./German government cooperation to mass produce The Euro Hawk(r) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), derived from the Northrop Grumman-produced U.S. Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk.

In April this year Northrop Grumman Corporation highlighted a wide range of this next generation weaponry at the 2009 Latin America Aerospace and Defence (LAAD) hosted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Northrop Gruman partner in the US German military expansion of NATO EADS can also be identified as the lead manufacture of electronics and remote “fly by wire” used in civilian and tanker versions of the A330 Airbus.

The A330 aircraft itself being a subsidiary of EAD, who also build the 320 the same variant of aircraft which vanished in the Mid Atlantic and crashed in November 2008 on the eve of 20 anniversary of the Erebus disaster Air NZ only major air disaster to date) as the A330 was being tested by Air NZ pending purchase.

The French authorities’ account of the disaster continues to baffle NZ aviation expert. While the status and where abouts of the Air NZ A330 flight recorder data (black box) remain a matter of controversy. Initially French authorities claimed the box had been sent to manufactures only to have manufactures deny that the flight recorders had arrived when they where first contacted by NZ media.The NZ inquiry continues to unfold with computer fialure being one possibale cuase listed to date.

Boeing in its own in house literature identify EADS as being the subcontractors hired to complete “a major mission-system upgrade for the NATO Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) fleet”, including Operation Peace Eagle which has at it heart an artificial intelligence a form of soft ware programming believed to have being pursd by Marconi in the 1980’s.

Subsquent posting well show how tlike other suspicious crash attributed to electrical or sudden equipment failure  passengers had major links to develop of next genration weaponry.

We will also begin to turn our heads to just how powerful this weapon with updated report on flight 477 coming soon.

Saturday, April 25, 2009



Part Two: Bugs Bombs & Bucks

By Ben C Vidgen.

“The most effective counter-offensive to threatened invasion by overpopulated Asiatic countries would be directed towards the destruction by biological or chemical means of tropical food crops and the dissemination of infectious disease” --- Noble Peace Prize Winner Sir Ian Macfarlane 1947 classified Australian government report, discovered in Dorling National Archives 1998, reported in The Age 10.2 2002.

"Depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World... Wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interests of U.S." -- National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger Nobel Peace Prize winner, National Security Memo 200, Implications of World Wide Population Growth for U.S. security & Overseas Interests" April 24, 1974.

“Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger yesterday. Congratulations. As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United States, I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger” - U.S. National Security Adviser General James Jones February 8, 2009.

Turning Swords into Ploughs ‘Shares’.

February 12 2009 Flight 3407 crashed in Buffalo after leaving Newark, New Jersey.

This plane crash attracted the attention of the media due, in part, to one of the passengers being Beverly Eckert, who after the death of her husband Sean Rooney on September 11th 2001, had “chosen to go to court rather than accept victims compensation” stating that a law suit unlike “other investigative avenues”, including congressional hearings and the 9/11 commission report on the destruction of the twin towers required all testimony be given under oath and had powers to compel evidence. Eckert made it clear to the media she spoke to she wanted to know “what went so wrong with our intelligence and security systems”.

Instead of getting entangled in the suspicion of citizen journalists concerning the cause of 3407 demise in Buffalo DEADLINE chose to address what the passenger manifesto of Flight 3407 could reveal about the growth and power of America’s US military Industrial complex.

In part one DEADLINE looked at the politics, ramifications and development of unmanned aerial technology that is linked to 3407 via passengers Steve Johnson, Jerome Krasuski, Darren Tolsma and Ernest West, they all being employees of Amherst Systems, a Buffalo based aviation electronic warfare technology firm. Amherst was identified as a political donor of Republican Senator Thomas Reynolds who had played a prominent role in backing the Northrop Grumman Amherst tender, worth $28 million, to supply Europe with state of the art electronic warfare technology. The deal was part of a package shaped by Obama’s advisers to make the US European allies take a more proactive role in Afghanistan and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in return for access to the US cutting edge military technology worth in turn billions to US manufactures.*1

*1 Since going to print Americans, Ronald Richey, John Salman, Ricky Wilson, have been identified as fatalities on Turkish Airlines TK1951, which crashed in Amsterdam, less than two weeks after Flight 3407. The three Americans, plus Michael Hemmer (listed as critically injured), were employees of Boeing and were returning from Turkey, where they had been updating Turkey’s 737 air force electronic warfare planes, part of the NATO initiative Operation Peace Eagle.”

When investigating the degree to which America’s fate and fortune is tied to war one cannot help notice when examining, even briefly, the manifesto of flight 3407 , just how many of the victims of this February plane crash had a direct history of being employed by the military at one time in their careers. These include former veterans such as Douglas C Wielinski, Clay Yaber and the recently retired U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sgt. John Fiore. In other cases the deceased connections were more fiscal, having been employees of Amherst Systems.

Further examination of the passenger list suggests the U.S. military remains a primary source of employment and wealth for many. For example another 3407 passenger, Kristin Safran of the firm Ark Specialty Services that provided regulatory and inspection service to US military in Iraq for bottled water. Another on the flight from New Jesery to Buffalo was John Roberts, a former army reserve officer who was the Vice President of Deloittes (an accounting and auditing firm) in the Mumbai office where real estate consultancy firm W.P. Carey, who employed a fellow passenger Johnathan Perry, ran a school for economic research. W.P. Carey’s curriculum included “the impact on terrorism in risk management.”

Terrorism, having being recognised as an area of expansion by a number of analyst firms has since 2001 increasingly moved into the area of intelligence analyst work that is normally associated with the CIA rather than the likes of Price Water House Cooper. While firms like Deloittes, beyond such niche growth area as risk management, have long had major links to the military in the less glamorous but no less important areas of auditing and number crunching. Dealing in billions of dollars their importance is of special significance when you consider that many of the US military clients including Deloittes co-client Schering Plough, New Jersey, have complex financial arrangements which, in many cases, reflect the sensitivity and national security ramifications of their work for the Pentagon. Schering Plough’s own links to Flight 3407 come second only to Amherst Systems and include the deaths of three employees, Jennifer Neil, Dawn Monachino and Dawn Mossop, (plus Mrs Mossop’s family members; her husband Donald, son Shawn and cousin Ferris Reid).

The Day of the Dead.

Another 3407 passenger, Donald Macdonald, worked in pharmaceuticals as the quality control engineer for the Canadian pharmacy firm Pharmetics who sold vitamin supplied to the troops in Afghanistan. Pharmetics had recently purchased its Canadian plant off Schering Plough client Patheon. At the time Patheon had sold its Canadian and Puerto Rican interests to Pharmetics it was purchasing manufacturing plants in Cincinnati from drug manufacture Aventis (now Sanofi –Pasteur). The Patheon purchase of Aventis Cincinnati plant coincided with the murder of Phil Bates, gunned down in Cincinnati where he worked for Patheon as the newly acquired plant as a quality control engineer.

The only clue the Cincinnati police have in Bates homicide is a medallion, found at the scene of the murder, depicting the North American deity Kopelli a skeleton like image, holding an object alternatively described as blow pipe or a flute used in ceremonies to raise the dead. It has become associated with the Mexican festival the Day of the Dead, which is held on November 1st. Aventis is the US’s leading manufacture of government stock piles used as a vaccine for the Avian Influenza, recognised by pathogen experts as one of the most likely sources of a future world pandemic. (With a fatality count in excess of fifty million such an event would surely impress any death god).

As part of a UN initiative to combat the risk of a global pan epidemic the World Health Organisation, in February 2009, granted the license to manufactured “stockpiled” vaccines for H5N1, the avian influenza, “-for use in third world nations”, to Schering Plough. Critics, however, argue that vaccines will not only not stave off a pan epidemic but, as each year the virus mutates, stock piles of vaccines like Tami flu or Schering ploughs “third world” bird-flue vaccines are not only useless but potentially may, be themselves, the source of a lethal pathogen that in comparison has the ability to make ‘Black November *2’, (the influenza pan epidemic of 1918, which killed 18 million world wide), look like the common cold.

2* Black November was coined by Canterbury University academic Geoffrey W Rice who authored “Black November”: The 1918 influenza pandemic in New Zealand in 1988, Black November was re-released in 2005 at the request of pathogens experts world wide who thought the book (based on extensive archive research), might provide a better understanding of the affects of a global pan-epidemic, as the world’s first and (to date) only demographic study regarding the effects of a pan-epidemic (the 1918 Influenza) on an entire nation.

A graduate of Otago University, Robert Webster, a virologist and avian flu expert who now works at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, admits that “vaccines could be the problem”. Webster states vaccines, which he has credited as one source of a pan-epidemic, should be used “only in areas where the virus is out of control, and then only temporarily… because routinely administering the vaccine encourages the evolution to resistant strains...." In 2003 Webster’s fears where confirmed after a highly pathogenic virus (resistant to the so called H5N1 vaccine) was detected by researchers who believed the new pathogen had been caused by vaccine overdoses. Example: When Pharmetics, purchased the Patheon plant in Canada they also purchased Patheon’s plant in Puerto Rico which Pantheon blamed for their companies drop in stock prices due to this plants “underperformance.”

This ‘underperformance’ resulted in Schering Plough’s being fined $US580 million in 2002 after drugs it had manufactured in Puerto Rican where found to have “too little medicine or too much contamination”. However, this did not stop the very same drugs from reaching the market, as was uncovered in 2004 when the FBI arrested several executives, in New Jersey, employed by Schering Plough, Merck, Pfizer. The executives were charged as belonging to a black market ring that was selling expired or “outlawed” drugs, sourced from manufacturing plants in Puerto Rico to clients in the third world where such a move could take lives rather than save lives. (Caribbean Business, 27.6.2002. Medical Marketing and Media July 2002 Vol. 7 issue 7. - Economist, 3.8.2002 New York Times 10th September 2004).

Here Come The Generals.

Another passenger on 3407 with links to both the military industrial complex and the issue of biological pathogens was Mary Julia Abraham, 44, a retired first sergeant in the US Army Reserves 5th medical group, who worked for Health Care Provide Invacare. Principally known for wheel chairs, Invacare also specialises in “first line of defence” for airborne and blood borne pathogens. In January 2009 Invacare post quarter profit rose 150 % and its full year profits rose more than thirty times what they had been for the fiscal year ending 2008.

Until 2009 Invacare’s board of directors included recently retired, US Marine, General James Jones, who stepped down from Invacare to become National Security Adviser to Obama Barak. Prior to becoming part of the Obama administration Jones also sat on the board of directors for a number of firms including Boeing and Northrop Grumman.

Jones who in 2007 was made the President of the ‘US Chamber of Commerce Institute for 21st Century is a proponent of “troop surges” in Afghanistan a plan which relies on the support of the US’s allies in NATO who, in turn, have been provided with access to the US military technology; a deal which is also good for America’s failing economy and its military manufactures.

The Afghanistan plan is the brain child of yet another hawk and adviser to Obama, the long term Washington insider, Zbigniew Brezinski, who in the 80’s, during the US Cold war with the Soviet Union, was credited with America’s decision to fuel an Islamic insurgency in Afghanistan. Brezinski stated he saw Afghanistan as a means by which Russia could be “drawn into their own Vietnam.” Yet if Brezinski new policy seems to reflect a change of heart, consider the Pentagon Papers, the US military’s own official history of the Vietnam war. Leaked to the public in the seventies, the Pentagon Papers showed how major military contractors, rather than wanting to win the war in Vietnam, quickly saw a drawn out conflict as a means more in line with their own economic objectives, even if it resulted in high US casualties and went against public sentiments.

Similar benefits to the military industrial complex can be seen following 9/11 where the War on Terrorism saw military contractors receive an economic stimulus package worth more than six hundred billion; forty two billion dollars of that directed specifically at biological warfare research.

The Sunshine Project, a San Francisco based non profit organisation, maintains the major beneficiary in such economic stimulus packages include Abbott Laboratories, Bristol-Myers Squibb, DuPont Central Research, Monsanto, Pfizer Inc, and Merck and Schering-Plough (who merged with Merck less than a month ago). The funding has been authorised under the umbrella of “fighting the war on terrorism”, yet critics suggest that profits, rather than any real risk of biological terrorism. lies behind the Pharmaceutical corporation’s interest in this field. Examples of this profit before public safety attitude include the 2001 anthrax attacks in America in October 2001, when a number of firms (including Schering Plough) were forced to drop their prices in relation to drugs sold to public facilities to combat Anthrax when America was hit by an Anthrax scare in October 2001. However, no such pressure was applied to private sales, and stock options into anthrax related medicine soared as the pharmaceutical giants cashed in on public alarm fuelled by media hype.

The Twelfth Monkey.

There is also another issue. Is bioterrorism research making the world safer or is enhanced research into this field simply enhancing the risks? In 2003 public protest in Newark New Jersey followed the decision to oppose the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases decision to selected Boston University to build a Bio-Safety Level (BSL) 4 lab built to store the world’s most dangerous biological agents as part of the Department of Homeland Security’s bio-defence effort.

The publics concern seems to have been well placed, for in 2005 three dead mice infected with bubonic plague disappeared from a BSL3 lab at New Jersey University of Medicine and Dentistry (UMDNJ). After wards the FBI issued a statement saying there was no reason to be alarmed yet the credibility of that statement must be seen in the light that three researchers, in a BSL3 lab at the Boston University(BU), fell ill after being exposed to tularaemia, a potential biological weapon. The infections occurred between May and September 2004, but BU and city officials decided not to inform the public and waited a week, after approval of the proposed BSL4 lab by the City Zoning Commission had been granted.

In 2008 the frozen remains of two further bubonic plague infected mice again went missing from UMDNJ with staff waiting several months to report the incident to federal and state authorities, who again stated there was no reason for public alarm. Boston University and UMDNJ along side Schering Plough along pharmaceutical research firm and institutes like Kintex Hauptmanwoodward can all identified as key recipients of Department of Defence funding. Kintex, Schering Plough and Hauptman-Woodward can also be identified as financial supporters of the Niagara Medical Campus Buffolo.

Hauptman-Woodward, gained prominence recently after they were appointed to head a project on how viruses mutate and transfer between animals and humans. Hauptman-Woodward former chairman is Donald Hess, the cofounder of Amherst Systems (purchased in 1999 by defence giant Northrop Grumman) who died in a plane crash in November 2008, just three months before his employees Jerome Krasuski, Darren Tolsma Steve Johnston and Ernest West died on Flight 3407. The three million dollars in federal funding required for Hauptman-Woodward species jumping research can be identified as having come from the 2008 Department of Defence Appropriations Bill. Hess also served on the board of Kinex Pharmaceutical, whose vice president Dr Allen Barnett is the former vice president of Schering-Plough and, like Hess, a member of the board of the University of Buffalo’s Niagara Medical Campus.

All lab facilities involved in the missing plague cases in Newark and Buffalo have another common link in that they were all designed by CUH2A whose client list includes US Bio Warfare military contractors Abbot Merck, Pfizer, Schering Plough, plus the New Jersey Economic Development Authority who lobbied pharmeseutical firms to set up their hazardous bio research in heavily populated areas.

In July 2004 CUH2A (a New Jersey based facility that provides scientific research and planning services for architecture, science and technology) announced that an agreement it had signed with Bechtel National Inc. to design laboratory facilities that will consolidate especially dangerous pathogens in secure repositories “located in countries” outside Russia that were part of former Soviet Union in Georgia and Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, where it has been alleged that Islamic terrorist groups have gone on regular “shopping trips” for nuclear and biological products. Ironically Kazakhstan, which sits on the border of Afghanistan and Turkey, is not a signatory of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC), which outlaws the research of biological agents for offensive military purposes.

While no credible examples of thefts in Kazakhstan by Islamic militants has to date been cited it can be established that in the post Cold War world, all around the world seal colonies have been dying in the tens of thousands from a disease that first appeared in Kazakhstan in 2000, then Sweden and then the UK, where the mystery pathogen was finally identified as an airborne strain of canine distemper. In total 50,000 seals have to date died of the virus and it is still not known how and when it jumped species. What is certain is the Kazakhstan seal plague is certainly not the work of Osama Bin Laden.

However, canine distemper is one of the diseases known to have been adapted for bio-warfare by the former Soviet Union on Maly Zhemchuzny Island on the Caspian sea, in territory belonging to Kazakhstan. Today a senior offical for the New Zealand Ministry of Health, zoonotic expert
Alexander Kouzminov, a former “bio-spy” for the Soviet Union, confirms in his book,”Biological Espionage”, that live pathogens were and are released on an unsuspecting public who are used as defacto lab chimps by defence bio-warfare researchers on both sides of the former Iron Curtain.

The lack of concern regarding missing samples from the Newark and Buffalo labs, and their potential to cause an outbreak on the scale of the seal distemper pathogen, must be considered in the light that on February 10th 09, research into infectious diseases was suspended at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick (designed by CUH2A) until an accurate inventory of all its deadly biological agents has been completed. The suspension being a direct result of the pathogens used in the October 2001 Anthrax attacks, that were later traced first by the Federation of American Scientist and then by the FBI, then the US Army’s own auditors to Fort Detrick’s high security laboratories. Today no one has been charged for the October attacks, which left 27 people dead, while the Federation of American Scientist has called the FBI current prime suspect, a former Fort Detrick scientist who recently committed suicide, a politically convenient scapegoat.

[SEE ALSO ‘Made in the USA’ on the Vidgen Files (COMING SOON)

Art Mirrors Life & Fiction Becomes Fact.

The FBI’s apparent lack of interest in the missing Newark Buffalo plague mice should be in recalled when viewing the fate of Dr. Steven Kurtz, a Professor of Visual Studies in Massachusetts. In May 2004 Kurt called authorities after his wife Hope died of heart failure. At the time Kurtz was preparing an art project about genetically modified agriculture for the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art. Responding to his phone call the police discovered Kurtz’s “art” materials and became so suspicious they alerted the FBI. Kurtz was subsequently detained for 22 hours on suspicion of bioterrorism, and an army of agents from the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, Homeland Security, Department of Defence, ATF, and numerous other law enforcement agencies raided his home, seizing personal and professional belongings. Despite samples of his art materials proving to be non lethal, Kurtz was never the less subpoenaed and hauled before a federal grand jury. who promptly refused to charge Kurtz with bioterrorism. Kurtz was then indicted by the FBI on two counts of mail fraud and two counts of wire fraud for his Critical Art Ensemble, which had won him several numerous awards and public acclaim including the prestigious 2007 Andy Warhol Foundation Wynn Kramarsky Freedom of Artistic Expression Grant.

In weird twist of fate the spokes man in the prosecution case against Kurt was FBI agent Paul Moskal, (now a consultant for News 4), who confirmed to News 4 that he was meant to have been on Flight 3407 but missed the doomed flight. To date no reason for Moskal missing the flight has been given despite Deadline emailing Moskal directly.

By itself the manifesto of Flight 3407 paints a picture of an America that has become a country which cannot survive with out death shadowing life for its economy has become co-dependent on the fortunes of industries are ruled by a sociopath level of greed. Corporations who display a complete lack of ethics and have an extensive history of criminal proceedings, unsafe labs, and a repeated record of selling for profit tainted, potentially lethal drugs to millions in the 1/3 world. None of the above is speculation. How can it be when it simply drawing attention to hard documented facts as they can be established a matter of public record.

In the same vein bio warfare research takes place in the name of the War On Terrorism, public safety, and national security. Yet the avalanche of lethal virus’s which have gone missing, been stolen or contaminated, or shown to be the cause of actual outbreaks and fatalities after being released from defence funded labs, highlights how, instead of having made the world safer, bio-defence labs represent the most probable source of any future pandemic, accidental or otherwise.

Americas military research is clearly not, as the Pentagon claims, undertaken for a purely defensive nature. And the issue, coupled with the rapid proliferation of unmanned weapons technology, will surely spark a new arms race between rival nations and insurgency forces. This will result in drawing the human race into a new moral low. To quote Albert Einstein, “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”.

How can the profits of war be justified if all they can buy is four horses and an Apocalypse?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Golden Rules
By Ben C Vidgen.

“Inspirational” Obama Barrack on Mrs
Beverly Eckert co-founder of Families for 9/11

Unwittingly through her death Beverly Ecker, has become the
poster girl for the so called 911 truth movement.

Profits of War Part One Golden Rules.

The Devils in The Details.

This year, on the 18th of February, flight controllers observed Flight 3407 pass the five mile marker with out incident as the aircraft, from Newark New Jersey, began its descent to land in Buffalo, New York. Despite wind and snow that must have caused ground crew to stamp their feet as they got ready to uplift the luggage of 3407’s passengers, (mainly mid level employees principally from middle class suburbs like Amherst, Clarence, West Senegal, that were built around the pharmaceutical banking and engineering firms common to this port city hub), weather conditions were well within the norm for this time of year. There was no indication that 3407 was about to loose communications with the flight controllers as it descended, but then, a minute later, the image vanished from their radar screen as the plane plummeted to the ground in a
tragedy that would leave no survivors.

Within 24 hours, well before flight recorders had been found and aviation disaster inspectors had time to study the empirical evidence, boosted by the speed of modern communication, a passing comment given only as a possible cause that the plane had been ‘brought down by ice on the wings’ had become the dominant headline.

‘Ice on the wings’ is what most people would recall of the headline they glanced at as they dashed out the door. Ice on the wings is what will surface in people memories when they attempt to recall a half heard news cast played over their car radio as they battled with the morning traffic. Ice on the wings, ice on the wings, ice on the wings. This explanation was repeated again, and again and again, on TV, Radio and Newspapers as syndicated commercial networks rushed to provide a cause and give a verdict, before any investigation had begun, any forensic examination was completed or the planes flight recorder recovered and processed. When the true facts were revealed and then researched it soon sparked suspicion by many on- line commentators. ( The majority of citizen reporters whose view had been shaped by eight years of the George Bush administration and a war instigated, the masses were informed, by weapons of mass destruction. Information that had later turned out to be non-existence and shown to have been a politically fabricated lie). But this level of suspicion would spike rapidly when news arose that the 3407 not only possessed de-icing technology, but the passengers list had included Beverly Eckert a “911 activist” whose husband Sean Rooney had died on September 11th 2001 in the attack on the twin towers.

A quick examination of phases and sentences used in many news wire stories relating to Flight 3407 reveals plagiarism and laziness that led to assumptions rather than any orchestrated conspiracy. But this soon became irrelevant, for the counter culture, quickly mirroring the conventional medias own habits of presenting conjecture and speculation as hard data, in their hurry to cherry pick the facts that best fitted their own perceptions of how the world revolves. In an age where we are simply media saturated with on line blogs, tweaters, bebo, face book, down load news casts, for our cell phones, ipods, or blackberries, televised on line newspapers, hardcopy newspapers, magazines, public access TV, commercial TV, FM, AM getting news from independent sources or from syndicated franchises is not a problem. If anything, too much information is proving to be the real danger in this world where one can go online and take their pick of what to fill our brains with.

Want to watch naked new readers? There is a site for you. Want to see the latest ‘hard evidence’ of reptilian shape shifters? There is a you tube clip to be found, Convinced that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Someone, somewhere out there has a blog with ‘facts’ that will even support this nonsense. Or, alternatively, just watch FOX News.

If you want to know how to stay sane in the white noise that is the by-product of the twenty first century, and a media revolution that has not been seen since the invention of the Gutenburg printing press, then go back to the basics.

Back to Basics.

To understand contemporary current events the trick is to always bring your self back to the two rules of deduction.

1. What is the final outcome of any given event?

2. Who stands to benefit?

These rules are as true when one is examining whatever Flight 3407 has to tell as they are when examining the events which surround 9/11, which is linked to Flight 3407 by Beverly Eckert who, rather than accept a 1.8 million dollar payout as the relative of a victim of 9/11, chose to campaign for her day in court and get the answers that so far (she felt) America has not been given.

Unwittingly through her death Beverly Ecker, has become the poster girl for the so called 911 Truth movement. A cross between Jamie Lee Curtis, the girl next door, Martha Stewart (the ultimate Midwest soccer mum) and Eric Brokevich. The ‘never give in’ martyr of justice, Ecker has become rallying call for those who, in this media cynical age, have chosen to become obsessed with whether the Twin Towers was brought down by a controlled explosion, the Pentagon was hit by a missile, or that Flight 93 was shot down by an Air force jet (as opposed to the same crashing into a field in Pennsylvania after been hijacked by Islamic terrorists). Tail chasing arguments that generally create much drama, and even higher net ratings, but inevitably achieve little.

The fact is that there is no evidence that Beverly Eckert had ever suggested or promoted publicly any of the scenarios that have now been attributed to her, or are been used as ‘evidence’ that Eckert was murdered, to again support arguments alleging that the Twin Towers was destroyed by a controlled demolitions, that the Pentagon was hit by a missile, that Flight 93 was shot down by an Air Force jet. (Though by coincidence, the forensic examiner of Flight 3407 is Dennis Dirkmaat, the same forensic examiner used to investigate Flight 93). In fact Mrs Eckert new devotees, ironically, are doing her a disservice by
tying her t such distractions that, while intellectually stimulating, achieve little.

In Eckert’s own words “I’ve chosen to go to court rather than accept a payoff from the 9/11 victims compensation fund. Instead, I want to know what went so wrong with our intelligence and security systems that a band of religious fanatics was able to turn four U.S passenger jets into an enemy force, attack our cities and kill 3,000 civilians with terrifying ease. I want to know why two 110-story skyscrapers collapsed in less than two hours and why escape and rescue options were so limited. I am suing because unlike other investigative avenues, including congressional hearings and the 9/11 commission, my lawsuit requires all testimony be given under oath and fully uses powers to compel evidence….(‘My Silence Cannot Be Bought’ by Beverly Eckert Friday, December 19, 2003).

That Eckerts startling words have not before or since her death been published in a single major media outlet is not more evidence of a conspiracy (not in the conventional sense), but rather that most reporters, regardless of what their own views might be, have the good sense not to offer up stories that might offend the their more conservative superiors or readers (who more often than not are in direct proportion to the advertising revenue at stake). Eckert’s own campaign was far more subversive and hard hitting, and so much more intensive than the pop culture conspiracy theories, thus intuitively (rather than consciously) the media has shied well away from such controversy.

War Whats It’s Good For.

Eckert was never interested in the search for gun men on the grassy knoll but instead she went straight to the guts of 9/11, the intelligence failure, asking how and why did such a failure occur?

While drawing attention to the fact that 9/11, the most spectacular criminal act in contemporary history, has never been investigated in any meaningful manner and asking why not.

The second issue has largely been lost on the wider public who are unaware that;

1. Testimony given at the 911 Commission was not given under oath so witnesses could not later be charged with perjury if it was shown at a later date they had given false statements.

2. The 911 Commission could not summon witnesses – testimony was voluntarily.

3. The 911 Commission had no power to summon evidence.

4. The 911 Commission had to accept evidence in the form it was given and had little opportunity to examine evidence in its original unedited form.

For example; most people are unaware that major pieces of the 9/11 puzzle, such as the collapse of World Trade Centre 7, (the third building to collapse on September 11), was completely absent from Commissions official report. When the complete 100% omission of World Tower Trade Centre 7 was raised with the commissions vice chairman Lee Hamilton on CBS, Hamilton could only state the commissioners did not have “unlimited time” and could not answer “every question” the public asked.

9/11 sent shock waves that rippled right around the world even across time. 911 was not just a terrorist attack but represented a revolution in warfare no less dramatic than the invention of the long bow, the musket, the Atomic bomb or the printing press. Yet the co-author of the governing inquiry report admits it had simply been rushed through.

In the UK, Lloyds of London predicted an insurance bill of 20 Billion Pounds. Within days the cost of 9/11 had escalated to a bill of between 50 to 100 Billion Pounds. In England the stock market ‘lost’ 637 billion pounds in a single day; a figure much greater than the loss of Black Monday stock market crash in 1987. The effect was instantaneous. Due to 9/11, by September 20th 51,000 jobs (AP 19.9.01/RTS20.9.01) had been lost in the airline industry alone.

Yet if you think Bin Laden’s attack on Twin Towers hurt the worlds most wealthy and most powerful think again.

9/11 may have in fact saved the US economy, or at least those with investments in America’s military industrial complex. In the months prior to 9/11 the Dow had dropped to the worst slump in 210 years of the US history of Blue Chips - representing the largest drop in the market since the depression. Hedge funds were draining as people rushed to obtain hard cash at a level only seen, as Bloomberg gloomily noted, “since the out break of war”. (A long term traditional saviour of the US economy).

In October 2001 the single chorus being sung by the soothsayers of Wall Street was that the end was nigh and, short of the out break of war, all was doomed. A statement which prove un-eerily accurate.

In the immediate days after 9/11 Wall Street military industrial suppliers made a literal killing. As Bush junior touted that the war on terrorism might rumble on for thirty years, the US defence budget received a government ‘stimulus package’ of $US 344 Billion (BBC 14.9.01 Reuters 12.12.01), 44 billion going into bio-weapons technology and 6 billion into counter terrorism. A figure which since the out break of the Iraq war has now moved into the almost uncountable realms
of trillions.

When looking at the markets after the shortfall decline, one comment stands out amongst all the comments. An American stock broker admitting, “If Bin Laden had not existed we would have had to have invented him”.

Clear And Present Danger.

One person who fears that the military industrial complex has gained too much power since 9/11 in the US and is not to be trusted, is Valerie Lucznikowska, 66, who, like Eckert, is a co- member of American Civil Liberties Union. With Eckert in 2008 Lucznikowska gave her signature to a letter which questions the legitimacy of Guantanamo and states, “We believe that the secretive and unconstitutional nature of these proceedings deprives us of the right to know the full truth about what happened on 9/11.”

Lucznikkowska and Eckert were among a list of names whom Obama Barack asked to specifically meet to discuss the closure of Guantanamo, which, politically, is not simply an issue of a return to due process, but for Obama represents the need of the executive to rein in the US military’s ability to muscle in on the jurisdiction of civilian administrable bodies, as the borders which once prevented the military from detaining and imprisoning civilians under the Posse Comitatus Act have been blurred following the event of 9/11.

Lucznikowska, like Eckert, believes the real issue is how 9/11 was allowed to happen when there is clear evidence that US intelligence had advanced warning and knowledge of 9/11 yet did little to act on this intelligence.

A key plank in Eckert’s belief concerns the public outing of “Operation Able Danger”, a top military intelligence operation, which had Mohammed Atta and at least three other 911 terrorists under surveillance in the US until August 2000 when the program was shut down.

News of Able Danger broke in 2004 when Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer a U.S. Army Reservist, commander of Special Troops Battalion, 9th Theatre Support Command and the former Chief of the Army’s Controlled HUMINT (Human Intelligence) Program, which oversees all Army Intelligence and Security Command’s global controlled HUMINT efforts, testified that the Able Danger data mining program, designed to targeted Al Qaeda’s global structure, had Mohammed Atta and three other
9/11 terrorists under surveillance until the operation was shut down in October 2000.

Schaffer claims are corroborated by a number of mid-ranking officers who later testified before a congressional investigation into Able Danger, its advance knowledge of Mohammed Atta and the order to stop the program and destroy all records and intelligence collected by the program.

Schaffer claims (and the testimony of his officers – at a subsequent congressional committee set up to investigate Able Danger) are supported by the testimony of Republican Senator Curt Weldon who maintains he saw a copy of the chart (before it was erased) “that identified lead 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta as a terrorist operating inside the U.S. a year before the 9/11 attacks.”

Sheldon not only offered verbal corroboration but in testimony was able to provide video evidence of concerning the existence of intelligence which shows the military intelligence knew of Mohammed Atta presence in the US prior to 9/11.

Yet no-one needs to examine the dossier of Able Danger to be able to prove false the official claim that US intelligence had no idea that an attack as 9/11 was in pipe line – anyone can simply go back and read old newspapers.

In 1993 Yousef Ramzi, whose history is more gun for hire than pure revolutionary, made headlines when he carried out an attack on the World Tower Trade Centre. When the bomb failed to destroy the Twin Towers Yousef is recorded as having sworn that he would come back and complete the job.

In 1995 fate and the instincts of a Philippine street cop, Aida Fariscal, brought the Philippine to raid a terrorist cell later identified as being under Yousef command. Here a laptop was recovered that was found to contain advanced preparations for an ambitious plan to fly 12 aircraft into a series of targets, - including the US sky scrapers, the White House, and the Pentagon, and Congress.

Today the FBI maintains that they had had no advance warning of a plot to turn airliners into bombs and have never heard of “Operation Bojinka” even though a media photo taken in 1995 show Aida Fariscal holding up a letter of commendation from the FBI complimenting her for actions and quick thinking in Operation Bojinka.

Details relating to Operation Bojinka have appeared in a number of English speaking publications including the article “Pacific Jihad” which was co-authored by this journalist and appeared in the current affairs publication, Investigate magazine, in October 2000.

Hi-Tech Low Tech Does it Really Matter

One of the allegations concerning 9/11 often found in counter culture media is the suggestion that the air craft that hit the Twin Towers were guided to the target by electronic warfare technology that remotely over-rode the two aircraft, Flight 11 and 175, auto pilots. This is also one of the arguments commonly sighted by commercial media syndicates to pour scorn on so called 911 Truth movement, a debate which again distracts from the issue of the intelligence failure of 911 and deviation from due process concerning the investigation (or lack of) into the attack on the Twin Towers.

One need look no further than Flight 3407 to discover that such high tech technology is very real and very likely will be used in future to wage what in military terms is often referred to as ‘silent warfare technology’, referring to means by which an enemy can be engaged in a manner that insures that the public remains unaware that a conflict is taking place in the first place.

Steve Johnson, Jerome Krasuski, Darren Tolsma and Ernest West, passengers on Flight 3407 to Buffalo were all employees of Amherst Systems which was purchased by defence giant Northrop Grumman in 1999. Amherst, specialises in electronic warfare technology, was purchased from Donald Hess who died in a plane crash in November 2008.

To date no details concerning the nature of the work of Jerome Krasuski, have emerged. He is simply listed as an engineer. Ernest West represented the senior employee on Flight 3407; a Deputy Director for Amherst Northrop
Grumman Corp, a specialist in electronic warfare (EW) technology who started his career in EW while in the
Air Force in the 1970s midst a six month stint as “a field operative” for the Office of Special Investigation. Steve Johnson, also listed as an engineer, is identified as a long time employee of Calspan/Verdian in Cheektowaga, where he worked as a project engineer for Calspan’s Flight Research Group (FRG) leading designers in Unmanned technology Vehicle Department with Calspan unmanned autonomous flight technology located -“ 35 miles south of Calspan’s Buffalo facility.”

In 2004 the Buffalo facility was built after Calspan was purchased by General Dynamic as part of the acquisition of leading biological weapons researcher Veridan.

Veridan had chosen to expand its Cheektowaga operation into Niagara County to include a $7 million research hangar at the Niagara Falls International Airport near Buffalo to “simulate the flight characteristics of civilian aircraft”. In 2007 Calspan/Veridan was then purchased by a local management/investment group The Matrix Group headed by John R. Yurtchuk, a former investment banker. Using political donation data basis, Matrix Corporations and Yurtchuk, originally an investment banker, are regular donators to the Republican Senator Thomas Reynolds, Grand Island NY (who also received regular political contributions from Amherst System).

Reynolds played a prominent role in insuring that Northrop Grumman Amherst won a tender, worth more than $28 million, to supply Europe with state of the art EW technology. The deal to provide Europe with cutting edge technology worth billions being part of a package shaped by General James Jones, prior to his retirement in 2007 and his appointment as Obama’s National Security in 2009, to make the US European allies take a more proactive role in Afghanistan and in the NATO military treaty. Reynolds can also be identified as paying a role in securing Pentagon funding for Amherst Systems joint operation with Lithos Robotics Corp to undertake research into automated weapons systems in 2008.

Darren Tolsma, worked principally in sales for Amherst Northrop Grumman, helped establish the defence giant’s offices in Europe, part of the Reynolds sponsored Northrop Grumman Amherst package to provide electronic warfare technology to the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co along with additional deals which include the sale of biometric identification technology automated mail reading technology and GPS tracking.

A 2008 press releases concerning the 28 million dollar deal states “The Amherst location will build eight radio frequency simulators which will help the Airbus 400M transport aircraft, while still on the ground, safeguard itself against combat threats it might encounter during missions. The simulators generate signals the aircraft might detect, such as antiaircraft radar, in the air so that its sensors can be programmed for those threats. When those threats appear during flights, the plane can then take the proper defensive measures”. Technologically this statement has huge ramification, for if applied correctly such technology has a dual use and asides from its defensive purpose can be applied offensively to fool aircraft’s sensors or even human pilots into making a serious error which
could result in tragic consequences. This is especially note worthy in light of another aspect of Amherst EW, the research concerning the development of technology which can, in turn, be used to specifically fool or deceive defensive EW measures.

Those who find such technology preposterous ironically choose to over look the very EW mini arms race which surrounds such technology as Calspan own unmanned aerial vehicle, the Global Hawk, or the Predator designed by L3 Communications (whose shares rose 38% on September 12 less than 24 hours after 9/11, before the announcement to invade Iraq or Afghanistan had even been made). Technology which directly allows civilian aircraft to be in effect giant unmanned drones can be show to have existed since the 90’s and include the July to August 1995 tests conducted by Boeing and Honeywell where more than 75 autopilot approaches and touch downs were carried out using GPS technology that where accurate
to only a few metres.

Yet while such technology certainly is possible the question of how plausible this is, in relation to 911, can best defined by another deduction tool known as Occam ’s razor where given two choices and the known available data, the simplest solution is usually the more probable answer.

If we return to the pre-existing public information, concerning operation Bojinak (as outlined in the lap top secured by Police in the Philippines), we can see there already existed a much simpler method of flying civilian jets into the heart of western civilisation using a method tried and tested for over 3000 years ago when the Shite Islamic cult the Hassians (from whence the word assassin originates), used a combination of booze, drugs and the promise of a better life to dupe low caste poverty ridden
peasants into becoming fanatic killers.

In the end it does not matter whether Mohammed Atta was behind the joy stick of the aircraft that ploughed into 911 or whether his body was put on ice, and technology designed for tomorrows battle field pulled the strings. In the end the principles of electronic warfare and suicide assassins remains essentially the same.

The art of any deception, whether Hi Tech military stratagems or a simple low tech child’s magic trick, is based on basic psychological principles that humans have assumptions on how the world should behave and constantly seek to have those assumptions reinforced. As long as the primary source that confirms such programming remains the same we assume that all is normal and act accordingly, even when there might be an alternative source of stimulus in operation that warns us that not all is as it seems. In some aspect, regardless of the mystery surrounding the 911 attacks, September 11 could be said to have been both Hi Tech and Low Tech. For EW is simply the manipulation of information designed to make humans or machines see what the enemy wants us to see.

Once the planes hit the Twin Towers and exploded in a shard of concrete and glass (that modern communication captured frame by frame and then played over and over and over and over again) our emotions and subsequent reactions, the next morning, were as predictable as the stocks that went up and those stocks that went down. Knowing this we must not become obsessed with either specific details or just absorb the headlines.

There is a need to stand back and form a more holistic picture of our current affairs which should focus on what is the final outcome of any action and who stands to benefit; these are the two golden rules that give a true and effective means of analyst whether reviewing the details of any media story in this age, whether it be a major terrorist attack, an economic recession, a general election, - or even a small mysterious plane crash whose passenger manifesto, when viewed collectively, offers a
profile on the very nature of the U.S. military industrial complex and the influence it wields in this century. This is far more important than such distracting issues as ‘ice on the wings’.

PROFITS OF WAR Part Two of PROFITS OF WAR: On the boogle The Vidgen Files Coming This May.

Bugs Bucks & Bandage Next Issue…Where DEADLINE looks at why a nations health budget is the best clue as to whether a nation is preparing for war, and why Who Did Not Get On Flight 3407 is as interesting as who did, along with revelations on how terrorism and media hype are making a
killing for pharmaceutical companies.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Come Fly The Friendly Skies

A Litany of Lies?

Gruman wins contract
Buffolo News -07/17/08 06:38 AM

Northrop Grumman Amherst Systems will benefit from a $28.2 million contract awarded to its parent company to provide electronic simulators to the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co.

The Amherst location will build eight radio frequency simulators which will help the Airbus 400M transport aircraft, while still on the ground, safeguard itself against combat threats it might encounter during missions.
The simulators generate signals the aircraft might detect, such as antiaircraft radar, in the air so that its sensors can be programmed for those threats. When those threats appear during flights, the plane can then take the proper defensive measures.

The Airbus A400M is replacing aging fleets of C-130 Hercules and C-160 Transall air transport aircraft being used by air forces around the world.
Deliveries of the simulators are expected to start in 2010 and be completed in 2013 or 2014, said John Stanfill, president of Northrop Grumman Amherst Systems.

Amherst Funds Politicans

Cockrell, RobertGrand Island, NY 14072Northrupp Gruman Amherst Sys/Vice-P REYNOLDS, THOMAS M (R)House (NY 26)REYNOLDS FOR CONGRESS $1,000primary 06/20/05

Cockrell, RobertGrand Island, NY 14072Northrupp Gruman Amherst Sys/Vice-P REYNOLDS, THOMAS M (R)House (NY 26)REYNOLDS FOR CONGRESS $1,000primary 06/28/04


Cockrell, RobertGrand Island, NY 14072Northrupp Gruman Amherst Sys/Vice-P REYNOLDS, THOMAS M (R)House (NY 26)REYNOLDS FOR CONGRESS $1,000primary 06/24/03

Cockrell, RobertGrand Island, NY 14072Northrupp Gruman Amherst Sys/Vice-P REYNOLDS, THOMAS M (R)House (NY 26)REYNOLDS FOR CONGRESS $1,000general 01/30/02

Cockrell, RobertGrand Island, NY 14072Northrupp Gruman Amherst Sys/Vice-P REYNOLDS, THOMAS M (R)House (NY 26)REYNOLDS FOR CONGRESS $250primary 12/10/01

Cockrell, RobertGrand Island, NY 14072Northrupp Gruman Amherst Sys/Vice-P REYNOLDS, THOMAS M (R)House (NY 26)REYNOLDS FOR CONGRESS $500primary 08/31/01




Monday, February 16, 2009






Ernest West, 54, according to his own biography (which can be found on the networking site Linkdln) was deputy director for defence research firm Northrop Grumman Amherst Systems, a unit of the leading defense contractor. West worked 22 years as a marketing and systems manager for Sierra Research Corp. Before that, he was an electronic warfare and ground-directed bombing specialist for the Air Force in the 1970s. While serving in South Korea, he served six months as “a field operative” with the Office of Special Investigation.


911 Activist Dies in Plane Crash ... Nothing to See Move Along Folks

911 Activist’ dies in Plane Crash ….
Nothing to See Move Along Folks.


On February Friday 13th Beverly Eckert died, along with 49 others when the plane she was on crashed in Buffalo USA. Eight years ago, on September 11th 2001, Mrs Eckett husband Sean Rooney died when the plane he was flying on flew into the Twin Towers in New York.

Described simply as a “911 activist” by mainstream media sources DEADLINE was struck by the complete absence of explanation as to what this phase meant exactly and decided to dig deeper. The following article was written by Mrs Ecketts in 2003.

Mrs Eckert activism concerning 911 included being the co-chairperson of the group "Voices of September 11th" whose goal was an indepenedent commission to investigate 9/11.

PLEASE NOTE Mrs Beckett article DOES NOT say that 911 was a conspiracy or a cover up it DOES NOT suggest that George Bush was in bed with Osama Bin Laden and it is false to interpret her remarks to mean this. What Mrs Eckett stated simply but powerfully is her reason to launch an independent lawsuit against the US government “because unlike other investigative avenues, including congressional hearings and the 9/11 commission, my lawsuit requires all testimony be given under oath and fully uses powers to compel evidence”.

Mr Eckett’s statement shows once and for all how the world has never been told the truth about 911, as those in power have never been required literally to tell the truth. When this fact is held up to the light we should now ask our selves are those who seek to ask difficult questions, or seek an independent investigation into 911, obtuse or contrary?

Or is the pursuit of the truth, into this global changing event, which led to two wars, the subsequent loss of 100,000 lives (both American and non American) and may have even played significant role in the current fiscal crisis, as trillions have been spent fighting these wars, entirely legitimate?

To paraphrase from the editorial of no less than the New York Times, printed in the city most directly affected by this tragedy, only days after the attack, ‘there is a need not to jump to conclusions or draw assumptions based on our own separate and individual beliefs on how the world works, for who knows what we well learn of this event twenty years from now’.

My Silence Cannot Be Bought
by Beverly Eckert Friday, December 19, 2003

I've chosen to go to court rather than accept a payoff from the 9/11 victims compensation fund. Instead, I want to know what went so wrong with our intelligence and security systems that a band of religious fanatics was able to turn four U.S passenger jets into an enemy force, attack our cities and kill 3,000 civilians with terrifying ease. I want to know why two 110-story skyscrapers collapsed in less than two hours and why escape and rescue options were so limited.

I am suing because unlike other investigative avenues, including congressional hearings and the 9/11 commission, my lawsuit requires all testimony be given under oath and fully uses powers to compel evidence.
The victims fund was not created in a spirit of compassion. Rather, it was a tacit acknowledgement by Congress that it tampered with our civil justice system in an unprecedented way. Lawmakers capped the liability of the airlines at the behest of lobbyists who descended on Washington while the Sept. 11 fires still smoldered.

And this liability cap protects not just the airlines, but also World Trade Center builders, safety engineers and other defendants.

The caps on liability have consequences for those who want to sue to shed light on the mistakes of 9/11. It means the playing field is tilted steeply in favor of those who need to be held accountable. With the financial consequences other than insurance proceeds removed, there is no incentive for those whose negligence contributed to the death toll to acknowledge their failings or implement reforms. They can afford to deny culpability and play a waiting game.

By suing, I've forfeited the "$1.8 million average award" for a death claim I could have collected under the fund. Nor do I have any illusions about winning money in my suit. What I do know is I owe it to my husband, whose death I believe could have been avoided, to see that all of those responsible are held accountable. If we don't get answers to what went wrong, there will be a next time. And instead of 3,000 dead, it will be 10,000. What will Congress do then?
So I say to Congress, big business and everyone who conspired to divert attention from government and private-sector failures: My husband's life was priceless, and I will not let his death be meaningless. My silence cannot be brought.

Other Passengers of note on Flight 3507

Alison L. Des Forges

Expert on the genocide in Rwanda in 1994. Des Forges testified at 11 trials at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda as an expert witness.

Mary Julia Abraham, 44, employee of Invacare Corp. retired member of the Army Reserve (rank of first sergeant corp unknown).

George Abu-Karem, 27, worked as a security guard after leaving Israeli special forces in 2000 Karem according to the Jerusalem Post, was travelling with a second Israeli buut no name or bio details have been released.

Ernest West, 54, according to his own biography (which can be found on the networking site Linkdln) was deputy director for defence research firm Northrop Grumman Amherst Systems, a unit of the leading defense contractor. West worked 22 years as a marketing and systems manager for Sierra Research Corp. Before that, he was an electronic warfare and ground-directed bombing specialist for the Air Force in the 1970s. While serving in South Korea, he served six months as “a field operative” with the Office of Special Investigation.

"Jerome Krasuski, 53. The former North Tonawanda resident worked for the Williamsville defense contractor for more than 20 years. Krasuski's three Northrop Grumman colleagues also died in the

Sources at Northrop Grumman Amherst Systems, a defense contractor on Wehrle Drive in Williamsville, have confirmed four of its employees were aboard the Continental Connection flight No. 3407