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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Predator


By Ben. C. Vidgen As reported in March Steve Johnson, Jerome Krasuski, Darren Tolsma and Ernest West, passengers on Flight 3407 to Buffalo were all employees of Amherst Systems involved in the manufacture of unmanned aerial technology and electronic warfare simulators that had been recently moved to the Aberdeen (USA) testing grounds, prior to the system being sold to several European clients including the European Aeronautic Defence and Space company. Amherst Systems having been purchased by Northrop Grumman from its co founder Donald Hess in 1999, Hess also involved with the Hauptman-Woodward Institute project into , on how viruses mutate and transfer between animals and humans which has received more than $US 3 million in federal funding for the research according to the 2008 Department of Defense Appropriations Bill died in a plane crash in November 2008.

Two weeks later as previously reported after DEADLINE published Part 1 of Profits of War, a report surfaced that revealed how three Americans, Ronald A. Richey, John Salman, Ricky E. Wilson had died when a Turkish Airliner (TK1951) crashed in a field next to the Amsterdam airport on the 25th of February 2009, less than two weeks after Flight 3407. A third American, Michael T. Hemmer, was listed as critically injured.

All four Americans were returning from a business trip to Ankara, Turkey, where they had been assisting with modification work on other Boeing 737 jets that will be used as airborne electronic warfare planes by a NATO member, Turkey.

Dutch investigators blamed a faulty altimeter as contributing to the Boeing 737 crash but this was countered by senior Turkish pilots, Necmi Elici and Volkan Surmeli, who pointed out to journalists how TK1951 “-had four altimeters and even if all of them were out of order the plane could still have been landed safely”. Experienced aviators in Turkey accused the Netherland authorities of shifting blame, relating to problems in ground based instrumental landing systems that gave false information that resulted in aircraft instruments giving misleading readings.

A situation very in vein with what has been revealed to date in the Flight 3407 saga, where it has since emerged that Southwest Airline pilots were given similar warning by their union who told pilots to be wary of problems with the Instrument Landing System (ILS) equipment at runway 23 at Buffalo’s main airport, the runway which Flight 3407 was meant to have landed on.

Since publishing this original story the mystery of Flight 3407 mystery deepened once more with Alex Constatine reporting on his blog Black List how two Buffalo attorneys Michael Doran and Matthew Schnire (hired by the families of flight Flight 3407 families) have also died after their own plane like wise malfunctioned and crashed near Cleveland Ohio.

On June 1st DEADLINE decided to examine the passenger list of 330 Air Bus Air France flight 447 after hearing early news reports that stated the aircraft was over due after leaving Rio De Janeiro in Brazil and had vanished some where in the mid Atlanta its last known contact automated signal indicating “a systems power failure”.

To date one of the few names to be released by Frecn authorities is that of Erich Heine a senior executive at the shipping steel and defense manufacture Thyssen Krupp.

Thyssen Krupp interests are vast and extend to Atlas Elektronics who on 19 September signed a contract with European Aeronautical Defence and Space Company to buy out the electronic warfare subsidiary of BAE Systems, and are submitting a joint bid.

According to the agreement, ThyssenKrupp Technologies will keep 60 percent of Atlas and EADS 40 percent. With 1,750 employees, Atlas Elektronik is an established market leader in the development of integrated sonar systems for submarines and a supplier of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems.

EADS Defence & Security Systems, with revenues of about € 31.8 billion in 2004and roughly 110,000 employees (across ten nations) is a giant in defence security aerospace active in the areas of military aircraft, missile systems, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems used on manned and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) battlefield management systems, defence electronics, sensors avionics and offensive electronic warfare technology.

EADS is a global leader in aerospace, defence and related services. In 2004, EADS generated revenues of €31.8 billion and employed aworkforce of about 110,000.

EADS partner include Northrop Grumman Corporation (125,000 employees and operations in all 50 states and 25 countries) who in 2006 signed a memorandum to establish a manufacturing hub for U.S./German government cooperation to mass produce The Euro Hawk(r) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), derived from the Northrop Grumman-produced U.S. Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk.

In April this year Northrop Grumman Corporation highlighted a wide range of this next generation weaponry at the 2009 Latin America Aerospace and Defence (LAAD) hosted in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Northrop Gruman partner in the US German military expansion of NATO EADS can also be identified as the lead manufacture of electronics and remote “fly by wire” used in civilian and tanker versions of the A330 Airbus.

The A330 aircraft itself being a subsidiary of EAD, who also build the 320 the same variant of aircraft which vanished in the Mid Atlantic and crashed in November 2008 on the eve of 20 anniversary of the Erebus disaster Air NZ only major air disaster to date) as the A330 was being tested by Air NZ pending purchase.

The French authorities’ account of the disaster continues to baffle NZ aviation expert. While the status and where abouts of the Air NZ A330 flight recorder data (black box) remain a matter of controversy. Initially French authorities claimed the box had been sent to manufactures only to have manufactures deny that the flight recorders had arrived when they where first contacted by NZ media.The NZ inquiry continues to unfold with computer fialure being one possibale cuase listed to date.

Boeing in its own in house literature identify EADS as being the subcontractors hired to complete “a major mission-system upgrade for the NATO Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) fleet”, including Operation Peace Eagle which has at it heart an artificial intelligence a form of soft ware programming believed to have being pursd by Marconi in the 1980’s.

Subsquent posting well show how tlike other suspicious crash attributed to electrical or sudden equipment failure  passengers had major links to develop of next genration weaponry.

We will also begin to turn our heads to just how powerful this weapon with updated report on flight 477 coming soon.

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